Lesson 1: Getting Started with SAS
Lesson 2: Exploring Data Using Data Dictionaries and the PRINT Procedure
Lesson 3: Exploring SAS Data Using the Frequency (FREQ), Means, and Univariate Procedures, and How To Save Your Output
Lesson 4: Entering Data into SAS Using the DATALINES Procedure; Importing Excel, Access, STATA, and SPSS Files into SAS
Lesson 5: Importing SAS Transport Files (.xpt), Text Files (.txt), and ASCII (.dat) Files into SAS
Lesson 6: Combining Two Data Sets Using Merging and Concatenation; Reducing Variables in a Data Set through DROP/KEEP Commands
Lesson 7: Data Cleaning Rules, an Introduction to IF-THEN Logic Code, and Removing Invalid Responses from Categorical and Continuous Variables
Lesson 8: Simple Recoding of Categorical Variables
Lesson 9: Alternate Methods for Recoding Categorical Variables (e.g., OR, IN, BETWEEN, and Elimination)
Lesson 10: Converting Continuous Variables into Categories and Using Continuous Variables to Perform Calculations
Lesson 11: Using Comments to Annotate Your SAS Code, and Applying Labels to Variables and Using Titles to Improve SAS Output
Lesson 12: Creating and Applying Formats, Using the ORDER=FORMATTED Option to Customize Output Displays
Lesson 13: Combining Two or More Variables Using Conditional Recoding
Lesson 14: Conditional Recoding of Check-All-That-Apply Questions
Lesson 15: Using a DO Group to Simplify Conditional Recoding
Lesson 16: Using Arrays to Recode Multiple Variables and an Introduction to MACRO Variables
Lesson 17: Basic Data Analysis for Categorical Variables (Chi-Square, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio)
Lesson 18: Stratified and Subpopulation Analysis
Lesson 19: Logistic Regression
Lesson 20: Brief Introduction to Using Excel and Proc Compare in SAS
Lesson 21: Formulas and Equations in Excel
Lesson 22: Creating Tables in Excel
Lesson 23: Charts and Graphs in Excel