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Missionary Preparation
REL C 130 | University Course
Focuses upon the purpose, skills, and doctrines of missionary work and prepares prospective missionaries for a more meaningful MTC and mission experience.
Recommended for all prospective LDS missionaries. This class may not be taken or retaken by returned missionaries or non-LDS students. Links to the study manuals can be found in the syllabus. The scriptures (Holy Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price) can be accessed at churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures
Course Outline
Catching the Vision of Missionary Work
A Mission: Who, Why, When, Where, and How
Be Ye Clean That Bear the Vessels of the Lord
Nine Things to Do Now to Have a Great Mission in the Future
Living by the Spirit
Proclaiming the News of the Restoration
What Is the Gospel?
Understanding the Atonement
The Lord's Plan for the Eternal Progression of Man
Making Your Mission Your Masterpiece: Some Counsel and Advice